Tiphani Montgomery Rebukes Christians for Attending Beyoncé’s Concerts

Beyoncé announced a new concert tour.

Ms. Tiphani Montgomery rebuked any Christian for attending her concerts. She claims that Beyoncé is a witch.

As a Christian, I completely agree.

It is important to note that Ms. Montgomery was talking to Christians. She was handling family business.

Beyoncé is not a Christian and does not worship the God of the Bible. Disciples of Christ have no business partaking in anything this woman does.

Beyoncé was recorded praying to ‘Father, Mother God.”

I’m sorry – who is that? Who is she praying to?

Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “Our Father, which are in heaven…” (Matthew 8:9 KJV)

The lyrics in her music are Satanic and disgusting.

You call yourself a Christian and support someone singing that she uses pages of the Bible to plug her menstrual flow?

She worships other gods (Mrs. Perry does a wonderful job of explaining this here).

How can any Christian support this?

The answer is, a real Christian does not.

The responses to Ms. Montgomery have been typical. Lie after lie. Excuse after excuse.

Christians don’t judge.


Christians are to judge righteously (John 7:24 KJV).

Her tone was too rough.


Did she lie?

No, she didn’t. Everything she said was the truth.

Christians should respond in love.

She did. If you love someone, you tell them the truth. You don’t allow them to continue on the path to hell without warning them.

Beyoncé’s former partner in debauchery, Ms. Michelle Williams, misrepresented Ms. Montgomery’s remarks, claiming that she damned Beyoncé to hell. That is not true – here’s the video.

One of the key blessings from this brouhaha is that fake Christian leaders have been exposed as frauds. Every so-called Christian leader that supports Beyoncé’s “art,” is corrupt and should be disregarded.

That also applies to “gospel” artists parading around events like the Grammy Awards, where our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is openly mocked during Satanic rituals billed as “performances.”

Real Christians fear God. Real Christians stay away from demonic mess. Real Christians stay away from witchcraft. Real Christians call out that which is unbiblical. Real Christians do not seek the approval of the world. Real Christians know they cannot serve two masters. Real Christians know that a divided house cannot stand.

Real Christians pick a side.

Choose this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15 KJV).

I pray that all Christians continue to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ.

God bless Ms. Montgomery for speaking the truth. May she continue to grow in the Lord.

I pray that all who are lost heed the call of Jesus and repent. Turn to the only true and living God and let His will be done in your life.
